5 more years of collaboration with Sweden!
26 Jan 2021



Earlier this month ISIS Director Robert McGreevy signed an agreement extending our partnership with Sweden for another 5 years, making it our longest international partnership.

​​​​​​​​A group of dignitaries from Sweden's Council for Research Infrastructures visiting ISIS back in 2018 as part of the continuing collaboration between the two countries.​​
The collaboration has lasted over 30 years, recently strengthened by ISIS providing considerable expertise to the European Spallation Source​​ (ESS) currently under construction near Lund, Sweden. This new agreement with the Swedish Research Council Vetenskapsrådet (VR) extends the collaboration until 2025, creating new opportunities for Swedish researchers and providing resources that benefit the whole user community. 

Swedish researchers make up around 5% of the 3,000 strong user community, the largest of any nation. The first agreement with the Swedish Research Council (VR) was signed in 1988, and over the years has included contributions to the Polaris and IMAT instruments, and in 2014 the partnership was significantly expanded to assist Sweden in developing its user community in preparation for future ESS operation through a combination of facility access and joint projects.  

Robert McGreevy, ISIS Director, says, “I am delighted to sign this agreement extending the extensive benefits the collaboration has enabled over several decades. International collaboration has always been vital to the neutron community, and the long relationship between the UK and Sweden really demonstrates the value of this collaborative approach, providing new opportunities for scientists around the world to benefit from the unique insights neutron science can provide in solving global challenges." 

Contact: Fletcher, Sara (STFC,RAL,BID)