Over 10 years of FameLab – Reflections and examples of Science ‘stars’ from a framework for international training and collaborative science communication
03 Feb 2019



Adrian Fenton, British Council




​​Parallel Session 7​: Finding the next Science Superstar
Wednesday 10 April 10:15 - 12:00​​

FameLab is a global science communications competition designed to engage and entertain by breaking down science, technology and engineering concepts into three-minute presentations, being judged on the '3 Cs': content, clarity and charisma.

Cheltenham Festivals started FameLab in 2005. Since 2007, a partnership with the British Council has seen the competition go international in around 30 countries. To date, more than 10,000 scientists and engineers have taken part. 

This session can consider:

  • Where are they now? Examples of the impact from participation
  • The international dimension: Science communication and how it is perceived in research communities in different cultures
  • 'The Holy Grail': measuring longer term impact
  • Scanning the horizon: How FameLab fits alongside other sci comm presentation programmes

We will draw on evidence from an informal survey of FameLab alumni carried out in 2018, individual examples and evaluation reports from different countries, video examples and our evolving research moving towards a monitoring and evaluation framework for all countries. With the King and Queen of Spain awarding their winner's prize in Spain, and with an audience of over 21 million in Egypt there will be some interesting international perspectives to share. 

Contact: Fletcher, Sara (STFC,RAL,BID)