22 Jul 2009



A muon spectrometer for condensed matter and molecular studies.


​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​Francis Pratt of the ISIS Muon Group by the RIKEN-RAL ARGUS muon spectrometer, credit: STFC.​​


The muon instrument Argus (Advanced Riken General-purpose mUsr Spectrometer) is housed in Port 2 of the RIKEN-RAL Muon Facility. It can be used for a wide variety of studies in the areas of magnetism, superconductivity, charge transport, molecular as well as polymeric materials and semiconductors. As well as surface muons decay muons can be used with a momentum up to 120 MeV/C, this makes it particulary useful for studying sealed samples ​such as liquids or pressure cells.   It has:​

  • 192 detector elements
  • Data rates ~80 MeV/hr (double pulse)
  • Temperature range 30 mK - 500 ​K
  • Longitudinal field range 0 G - 4000 G LF
  • Transverse field range 0 G - 150 G TF, optimised for low TF measurements. 
  • Dedicated pressure cell avalible with range up to 0.7 GPa at temperatures between 30 mK - 300 K.
  • ​Pulsed laser of range 400-2500 nm avalible for use. ​
The phone number for the RIKEN control room is 01235 446766.

For information about the spectrometer please contact:
  • Dr Adam Berlie
  • Dr Stephen Cottrell​

For information on scheduling please contact:
  • Dr Sayani Biswas
  • Dr Adam Berlie