I am a member of the Cryogenic Team within the Experimental Operations Division Sample Environment Group at the ISIS Neutron and Muon Source. More specifically, I am responsible for the development and delivery of Ultra Low Temperature (sub 1K) sample environments. I also provide more general cryogenic support of the experimental program, along with the continued development of our current cryogenic systems.
I have a PhD in Low Temperature Physics, and have previously held a Marie Skłodowska-Curie funded position with a world-leading manufacturer of ultra-low temperature equipment.
I have extensive experience in the research and development of ultra-low temperature systems. My previous work has included studies of helium 3 and helium 4 at extremely low temperatures (down to 0.1mK), and commercial development of cooling stages that allow access to the sub-1mK regime.
My technical expertise includes helium-4 cryostats, helium-3 cryostats, dilution refrigerators and superconducting magnet systems.
I am fascinated by the extreme environments found at low temperatures. My research and development interests include ultra-low temperature physics, cryogenics, low temperature thermometry & electronics, and quantum fluids & solids.
I am author/co-author of several papers concerning low temperature physics, recent publications are as follows:
Neutron imaging of an operational dilution refrigerator',
Scientific Reports, 12, 1130 (2022)
'Solid methane in neutron radiation: Cryogenic moderators and cometary cryo volcanism',
Cryogenics, 88, 101-105. (2017)
'Breaking the superfluid speed limit in a fermionic condensate',
Nature Physics, 12, 1017–1021. (2016)
`Anomalous damping of a low frequency vibrating wire in superfluid 3He-B due to vortex shielding',
Journal of Low Temperature Physics, 175, 1, pp 372-378. (2014)
`Switching behaviour of a quartz tuning fork in superfluid 4He',
Journal of Low Temperature Physics, 175, 1, pp 379-384. (2014)
`Turbulent drag on a low-frequency vibrating grid in superfluid 4He at very low temperatures'
Phys. Rev. B, 85, 22, 224533. (2012)