​​​My research is in in the field of hydrogen-bonded liquids, with a focus on the microscopic structure of aqueous solutions.
Problems of interest in the area of bulk liquids consist in the hydration structure of electrolytes in solution, the structuring of water in the presence of charged solutes, the solvation structure of organic molecules as such and as a model for biological systems, the solvation of small bio-molecules, hydrophobic hydration.
These studies provide a foundation basis of knowledge to several fields varying from the structure of functional proteins, to the nucleation of clouds and the influence of agricultural pollution on climate change.
Another branch of problems is opened when the liquid under study is under microscopic confinement or when exploring dramatic temperatures regimes.
Scientific issues that I have addressed include the structure and dynamics of water under hydrophilic confinement at room temperature and in the supercooled regime, the study of emulsified supercooled water, momentum distribution of supercritical water (high temperature and high pressure).
I have also active collaborations in the field of ionic liquids, composite materials and supported catalysts.