Information during Covid
The current restrictions have led to changes in how ISIS operates, and extra measures have been put in place. These are all available on our specific COVID guidance page.
Arranging my visit
ISIS is located at the Rutherford Appleton Laboratory, RAL, near Didcot in Oxfordshire.
Accommodation can be booked through the user office using the online Travel and Accommodation system. You will need your experiment RB number or your purpose of visit. The process for arriving at RAL differs depending on what time you plan to arrive. Please see our arrival page for more detailed information.
You will be given a site pass when you arrive for your visit. It is important that you wear this at all times and that it is clearly visible. This is the pass that the main control room then use to give you access to the parts of the experimental halls you need for your experiment.
For some eligible users, as well as access, the card can also be used as payment in the restaurant. We top up the card with "money". You can then present your pass at the restaurant to pay for your meal.
Maps of RAL and ISIS

Computing and access to data
Registered visitors to ISIS can use eduroam or access the 'STFC Facilities Users' wireless network using their self managed login more information is available on the network page.
Access to your data for analysis is available through IDAaaS. Our data analysis page will give you more information about how to access IDAaaS and what to do if you experience any issues.
All data produced at ISIS is catalogued into ICAT – the ISIS Data Catalogue. You can log in to ICAT using either your STFC account (federal id) or your ISIS proposal system account email address.