ISIS 40th Science Roadshow, Edinburgh
13 Mar 2024




Silhouette of Edinburgh castle with ISIS Neutron and Muon Source logo


Christopher Ridley, 2024

​In celebration of the 40th year of neutron operations at ISIS, we will be hosting a selection of events across the UK throughout 2024.


The Edinburgh event will take place on the 27t​h June 2024, hosted by the University of Edinburgh at the Centre for Science at Extreme Conditions, at the King's Buildings. ​


​​Join us in Edinburgh for a diverse programme of talks showcasing ISIS-related research from Scottish institutions. While the talks are by invitation, the event is open to all interested participants, welcoming individuals from all career stages, backgrounds, and institutions. The full programme is available here: EdinburghRoadshowProgramme.pdf

Speakers include:

Paul Attfield (University of Edinburgh)

Bill David (ISIS Neutron and Muon Source)

​Abbie McLaughlin (University of Aberdeen)

Iain Oswald (University of Strathclyde)

Caroline Kirk (University of Edinburgh)​


  • Registration is now closed. Please contact below for possible late registration.
  • The event is free to attend.
  • Travel costs, for UK participants, will be reimbursed by ISIS.
  • Limited places are available; priority will be given based on registration.


For any queries related to this event, please contact Chris Ridley.

Contact: Ridley, Christopher (STFC,RAL,ISIS)