ISIS Staff




Find out more about our staff and the research groups at ISIS

ISIS Neutron and Muon Source provides world-class facilities for neutron and muon investigations of materials across a diverse range of scientific disciplines, with expert staff from all of these areas on hand to help. Learn more about the people who work for ISIS Neutron an​d Muon Source, and their groups, below.


Staff Case Studies

  • Anna Herlihy portrait
  • ​Chris Lawson and one of the helium fridges
  • Sarah stood outside Sans2D
  • Gemma sat at a desk with a geiger counter
  • ISIS Accelerator Physicist Haroon Rafique whilst working at CERN
  • Harry Nolan in the lab
  • Jasmin Hind in the lab
  • A man smiling in the ISIS halls
  • Koji next to EMU
  • Madi in the mechanical workshop
  • ISIS Detector group
  • The four students featured in the article
  • Shaun Olok-Jacobs, Madeleine Mcroberts and Jared Swift - all ISIS Sandwich students for 2021/22
  • Mohamad Kurdi portrait
  • Olivia Tindle
  • Albin and Sara outside target station 1
  • Sarah Fisher at her desk
  • Zoe Clark

Research Groups

  • ISIS EC Muon Beamline separation

Operational Groups

  • Sarah Fisher, Diagnostics software section leader

ISIS Neutron Muon Source Management

Experimental Support Groups

  • Computer script on a screen
  • Visualisation of ISIS experiment data

Scientists on Individual Merit promotion

  • Luke Clifton at the Offspec instrument, ISIS TS2
  • ISIS scientist, Pascal Manuel, speaks to guests at ISIS
  • Dr Robert Bewley installing the TS1 Characterisation rig on the LARMOR instrument at ISIS.