ISIS Impact Awards Previous Winners
24 Feb 2021



The ISIS Impact Awards started in 2018 and celebrate the scientific, social and economic impact of the facility's diverse user community.




​​​2024 Science Award Winner:
​2024 Society Award Winner:​
​2024​ Economic Award Winner:​
Y​ujie Ma, University of Manchester, for his work applying neutron scattering techniques to the development of defective Metal-Organic Frameworks for clean air and sustainable energy.
Stephen J Perkins and Jayesh S Bhatt, University College London​, for their work determining the molecular structures of therapeutic antibodies in solution.
Tan Sui, University of Surrey, for her research mapping residual stress distribution in materials for nuclear fusion applications.
​2023 Science Award Winner:
2023 Society Award Winner:​
​2023​ Economic Award Winner:​
Minu Kim, Max Planck Institute for Solid State Research​, f​or their work investigating a new class of superconductor.​​
Martin King, Royal Holloway, for his work investigating real-world atmospheric pollutants using neutron reflectometry.
Timothy Johnson, Johnson Matthey, for their work demonstrating the viability of a scalable route to synthesising gas storage materials.
2022 Science Awar​​d Winner:​​​
2022 Society Award Winner:
2022​ Economic Award Winner:

Andrej Zorko, Jožef Stefan Institute, for the first realization of a quantum spin liquid on a triangular spin lattice with dominant Ising antiferromagnetic exchange interaction using WISH, MARI and MUSR.​​

Heloisa Nunes Bordallo, Niels Bohr Institute, University of Copenhagen for her work on developing smarter materials by tuning physico-chemical properties using TOSCA and IRIS​

Adam Michalchuk, Federal Institute for Materials Research and Testing (Germany) for The Big Bang Theory of Energetic Materials: Towards the In Silico Design of Safer Energetic Materials

​​2021 Science Awar​​d Winner:
2021 Society Award Winner:
2021​ Economic Award Winner:
Serena Corr for her work applying muon spin relaxation spectroscopy to investigating ion diffusion in battery materials.​

Mariela Martins Nolasco​ for her work characterising polymer structur​​e and dynamics.

David Lennon for his work on probing the interactions of atoms and molecules with the surfaces of catalysts.

​​2020 Science Awar​​d Winner:
2020 Society Award Winner:
2020 Economic Award Winner:
Jin-Chong Tan
University of Oxford​
For his group’s work on lattice dynamics in Metal-Organic Frameworks, and how this​ effects the way they absorb and release gases and drug molecules.​

Paolo Rech
Institute of Informat​​ics of the Federal University of Rio Grande do Sul
For his work ​​developing artificial
in​​telligence frameworks to improve the​ reliability of a driverless car’s ability not to confuse a person with a post-box.​

Peter Albers
Evonik Operations GmbH
For his work over the last thirty years using neutrons alongside other methods to investigate materials with commercial applications, including​ catalysis​.
2019 ​Science Aw​​ard Winner:​2019 Society Award Winner:
2019 Economic Award Winner:
Sihai Yang
University of Manchester
For his work on​ developing functional materials.
Maria Paula M. Marques
Coimbra University, Portugal
For her research using neutrons for cancer research. 
Indri Adilina
Indonesian Institute of Sciences (LIPI)
For her work at ISIS on the
 use of palm oil biomass waste as an alternative source for biofuel​.
2018 Science Award Winner:
2018 Society Award Winner:
2018 Economic Award Winner:
Thomas Douglas Bennett​
University of Cambridge
For his work on modelling the structure of metal-organic framework g​​lasses​.
The Wallace Collectio​n, London
For their work on utilising neutrons for non-invasive analysis of arms and armour.
Andrea Lazzarini 
University of Oslo
For his work on activated carbon catalysts.

Contact: Richardson, Stephanie (STFC,RAL,ISIS)