Publications and Open Access
04 Sep 2013



UKRI has published a new policy on open access and acknowledging use of the facility.

Image of ISIS




Research performed at ISIS is publicly-funded (unless directly paid for by industry or an overseas partner). The UK Research and Inovation (UKRI) policy on open access​ applies to publications which acknowledge a UK research council grant or which have a UKRI staff member as an author, which includes ISIS staff..​ 

A new UKRI open access policy recently came into effect and applies to peer-reviewed research articles submitted for publication from 1 April 2022. While the policy is an update of the previous RCUK policy there are some significant changes.

Note: books and monographs are covered by a different process, which will come into effect in January 2024.

What you need to do
Staff and users should comply with the policy where this is possible. We are aware that the situation for papers coming from ISIS is sometimes complex, with work led by overseas researchers who may have different requirements for publications.

We are very keen to monitor the impact of the policy on our user community so we strongly encourage you to contact us​ with any issues resulting from implementation of the policy. 

Key points
  • If a publication includes an ISIS staff member as an author, or if the publication acknowledges funding from a UK research council grant, then the UKRI open access policy applies. ​
  • Gold and green routes are now referred to as Route 1 (previously Gold route) and Route 2 (previously Green route). Route 2 now requires the accepted manuscript to be archived on the date of publication without an embargo period.
  • All publications must be licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution Licence (CC-BY) (excepting when subject to crown copyright), and a CC-BY-ND license in limited cases. Authors should include a set licensing statement in their submitted manuscripts to ensure the publisher is aware of the need to comply with the UKRI policy.
  • UK authors who are unsure about which journals support the UKRI policy should contact their institution's research office or library.
  • Where funds are not available from a home institution to follow Route 1, users should use the Route 2 process for the relevant journal. We would also encourage use of the STFC ePubs repository​ or a similar university repository or arXiv​.
  • STFC and some universities have agreements in place with some publishers which allow staff to publish their work compliantly as open access at no cost to them. However, where there is not a publishing agreement in place, authors may find that some ​hybrid journals do not offer a free Route 2 (self-archiving) pathway, and therefore their only compliant option is to pay an Article Processing Charge
  • UK ISIS users should apply for these funds from their home institution (the corresponding author on the paper should do this).​​​​ 
  • Publications must include a data access statement - please include the data DOI provided by ISIS.​

Related to this page is the ISIS Data Policy and the use of Digital Object Identifiers (DOIs) created for ISIS data​.​

Publishing your research

When publishing results from your experiments at ISIS, it is expected that you will include your ISIS local contact as a co-author on your papers.

Without the dedicated work of ISIS scientists in designing, commissioning, building, maintaining and developing the ISIS instruments many experiments could not succeed.

If your research team is largely self-sufficient and you do not intend to include your local contact as a co-author on publications, you should discuss this during the experiment.

Your publications from experiments at ISIS should contain an acknowledgement of the support received from ISIS. For example:

 “Experiments at the ISIS Neutron and Muon Source were supported by a beamtime allocation RBXXXXXX​ from the Science and Technology Facilities Council. Data is available​ ​here: ​"​

Also, and with reference to the ISIS Data Policy, all publications related to experiments carried out at ISIS are obliged to cite data DOIs​ of the experiments​.​

Please send information on your publications to Sara Fletcher.

Useful links
UKRI open access announcement​


Sherpa RoMEO database:

Contact: Fletcher, Sara (STFC,RAL,BDD)