The role of the SAC is to advise the Director of ISIS on ISIS Operations and Development with respect to:
- the current status and future prospects in relevant areas of scientific research;
- the actions necessary for ISIS to make a relevant contribution to these areas, e.g. investment in instrumentation, techniques and ancillary facilities, and prioritisation;
- areas of current scientific activity which are either growing or declining in relevance.
The SAC consists of senior members of the UK and international community. As of March 2024 the membership is:
- Meeting Chair: Richard Catlow (UCL, Cardiff)
- Bill Stirling (ILL, ESRF)
- Alan Tennant (ORNL)
- Pascale Deen (ESS)
- Michael Preuss (Manchester & Monash)
- Leila Moura (Belfast)
- Adam Clancy (UCL)
- Chris Ridley (ISIS)
- Heloisa Nunes Bordallo (Copenhagen)
- Andrew Goodwin (Oxford)
- Ivana Evans (Durham)
- Michael Toney (U. Colorado Boulder)
- Tom Lancaster (Durham)
- Stuart Clarke (Cambridge)
- Markus Strobl (PSI)
- Tim Hyde
The SAC meets twice per year.