ISIS in the Media
11 Oct 2023






Dr Chris Frost (left) and Prof Paolo Rech (right) at the ChipIr instrument.
​18 June 2024

Earth's Technology Faces A Cosmic Threat But Don't Worry, Scientists Are Working On It

IFL Science

Dr Alfredo Carpineti from IFL Science spoke with Dr Christopher Frost at the ISIS Neutron and Muon Source to explore how the ChipIr instrument ("a real-life cosmic ray factory") is helping to uncover vulnerabilities in our technology and improve our understanding of how to protect it.

3d rendering of a medical syringe with the needle in the septum of a glass vial

22 April 2024

Unlocking innovative hydrogel treatments

European Pharmaceutical Review

Researchers from Queen’s University Belfast, Garry Laverty, Sreekanth Pentlavalli and Yuming An, delve into the potential of an innovative ‘hydrogel’ version of the HIV drug zidovudine using small-angle neutron scattering at the ISIS Neutron and Muon Source.

Chris Frost standing in the ChipIr blockhouse next to some sample electronic chips.

21 March 2024

​The unseen impact of cosmic rays on electronics

Electronic Specifier

This article by Dr Christopher Frost, Head of Irradiation at ISIS Neutron and Muon Source, emphasises the importance of understanding and mitigating errors to maintain the reliability and efficiency of critical communication systems, and explores ongoing research and testing...​​​

​​​21EC2352 Portrait of Dr. Victoria Garcia Sakai.jpg
​8 March 2024

​Empowering women in STEM: Redefining what it means to be a woman in science

Innovation News Network​

Dr Victoria Garcia Sakai, Division Head for Neutron Spectroscopy at ISIS Neutron and Muon Source, discusses her personal journey through STEM education and research, and her commitment to empowering women in STEM fields.

23EC1746 ISIS Biology Labs.jpg

20 February 2024

​Science in the round: Interview with Ludmila Mee, ISIS BioLabs Manager

Laboratory News, Issue 1 2024, pages 24-27

Laboratory News interviewed Dr Ludmila Mee about the unique challenges and collaborative opportunities of working at the ​ISIS Neutron and Muon Source.

Instrument scientist, Adam Berlie, in front of the Argus muon instrument
​16 February 2024

​Breaking barriers: embracing neurodiversity in neutron science

Physics World

Adam Berlie is a muon instrument scientist at the ISIS Neutron and Muon Source in the UK, having done postdocs in China and Australia. He talks about his career so far, what it’s like to be a neurodivergent researcher, and his role as chair of the UKRI Disability Matters network.

A blue night sky with a bright star in the centre. In the foreground, four rings represent an atom.

​4 December 2023

Quantum 2.0: Disovering the next generation of quantum technology

The Debrief 

A piece by Prof Sean Langrdige, Associate Director Science.
It is not an unreasonable view to think of the quantum revolution, in which quantum matter is used for technological applications, as a relatively new idea...

​​Pavement with painted car and cable symbol representing electric vehicle charging

​​13 November 2023

​Battery innovation: The UK’s EV revolution​

Institute of Materials, Minerals & Mining 

Dr Martin Owen Jones, Energy Materials Coordinator at the ISIS Neutron and Muon Source, Science and Technology Facilities Council, discusses powering Britain’s future by balancing gigafactories and battery innovation for the UK’s EV revolution.

Assorted medicinal capsules and tablets in green, orange and white

9 October 2023

Breaking new ground in antibiotic research with neutrons

Bioscience Today 

Dr Luke Clifton, Instrument Scientist at ISIS Neutron and Muon Source, explains how neutrons have emerged as a highly effective tool in the fight against AMR.


9 October 2023

Driving battery innovation

Institute of Materials, Minerals & Mining 

Dr Peter Baker of the UK’s ISIS Neutron and Muon Source and Co-investigator on the Faraday Institution FutureCat project, shares his thoughts on harnessing science and industry to drive battery innovation.

26 September 2023

​Ne​utro​ns and muons: ISIS provides both for a wide range of science​

Physics World

The phrase “I was like a child in a sweet shop” is probably the best way to describe my recent visit to the Harwell Science and Innovation Campus...

Colorised electron micrograph showing E coli bacetria as green tubular strucutres.

23 September 2023

The inner workings of antibiotics​

Drug Discovery World

Dr Luke Clifton, Instrument Scientist at ISIS Neutron and Muon Source explains the molecular mechanism behind antibiotics.

​​A view of TS2 Instrument Hall

​25 June 2023​

​​STFC’s £90 million investment makes a material difference

Laboratory News

A £90 million investment programme for one of the country’s largest scale national laboratories has been launched to ‘supercharge’ efforts to maintain the UK as a leading power in materials research.

21 June 2023​

​​Leading Oxfordshire materials research facility set for £90 million Endeavour programme to expand its capacity and capability​​

The Business Magazine

The Science and Technology Facilities Council (STFC) has launched a £90 million program called Endeavour to expand the capacity and capability of UK's flagship ISIS Neutron and..

Luke Clifton standing next to the instrument, OFFSPEC

​2 June 2023

Scientists identify key process in cell death that stops cancer from spreading​

The Independent​​

The researchers said their work could help open doors to new cancer treatments.

1 ​May 2023

Shoring up the future with greener batteries​

NPR - Short Wave​​ (Podcast)

...Next-generation energy innovators Bill David and Serena Cussen challenged us to think about the future of clean energy storage. They spoke to Emily Kwong at the 2023 annual meeting for the American Association for the Advancement of Science (AAAS) in Washington D.C.

Zoomed in on hydrogen on the periodic table. Ball and stick representation of hydrogen gas overlayed with low transparency.

​​14 April 2023

Materials mould hydrogen's future​

Institute of Materials, Minerals & Mining

Professor Martin Owen Jones, Energy Materials Coordinator at ISIS Neutron and Muon Source, UK, examines ammonia storage for hydrogen.

A forest of trees photographed from above with a leaf and H2 graphic overlayed.

17 March 2023

Material limits: the biggest challenges hindering clean hydrogen

Fuel Cells Bulletin

The key to unlocking hydrogen's net-zero potential is finding better materials to produce, use and store H2. Professor Martin Owen Jones from ISIS Neutron and Muon Source pinpoints the latest research advances in this area.

Electric vehicle being charged

​​​​​​​​15 March 2023

How are market conditions shaping EV battery development?

Automotive World

A multitude of battery chemistries and an evolving electric vehicle market are challenging the primacy and efficacy of lithium-ion.

​​Cropped image showing a plane wing over a blue sky

​​​​​​​​6 March 2023

Fertiliser-run aircraft and salt batteries in cars by end of decade, says Oxbridge professor

The Telegraph

Ammonia and sodium are the future of clean energy, according to Oxford University chemist who helped invent the lithium battery.

Conical game counters in an assortment of colours and connected by lines drawn on paper

​​​6 February 2023

Major research institutions drive innovation through diversity

The Engineer

To meet the government objective of the UK becoming a scientific superpower, we must ensure we are providing a fair and inclusive workspace where all voices can be part of the way forward, says Zoe Bowden MBE...​



Contact: Richardson, Stephanie (STFC,RAL,ISIS)