Incident in the R55 Deuteration Laboratory
13 May 2021



There has been a fire in the Deuteration Laboratory. No-one was injured and the fire was confined to the lab but the whole of the annex is affected at present with both water damage and loss of power.


Power will not be reinstated to the annex until the circuits have been checked, which will take some days.

We are assessing the impact but as of 17:00 on Thursday 13 May: 

  • Access to R55 has been reinstated, access to the annex is restricted and is only permitted via liaison with the MCR.
  • Beam to TS-2 has been reinstated. Beam to TS-1 will resume when the methane moderator has cooled. 
  • Support teams will assess the issues around supporting the immediate experiments which will run from now to early next week and will report back tomorrow.  Experiments later in the cycle will be assessed tomorrow and next week.

​ MCR News ​will continue to provide updates.

Contact: Fletcher, Sara (STFC,RAL,BID)