Instrument Support
14 Nov 2017



The instrument support team provide mechanical support to ISIS Operations and the neutron user community.


​​The instrument support group ​provide support to instruments and operations across both target stations.​


​The role of the group covers new instrument builds and upgrades, machining support for ISIS, chopper maintenance and installation, beamline support and maintenance, motion control support and up keep of the intermediate target.​

ISIS Operations Instrument Support provide mechanical support to ISIS suite of neutron scattering instruments and the intermediate target.

The  Operational support provided is machining, installation and instrument upgrades, sample environment, choppers, permits, gases, beam-line maintenance and motion control.

Group Leader:  Erik Johnson

Section Leaders:  Dave Maxwell, Rebecca Riehl Shaw and Vacancy

Other Contacts for Chopper support, Instrument Support and Build

Dave Bint-Baker, Mike Brind, Jim Buckel, John Crawford, Geoff Eacott, Colin French, Daniel Glover, Simon Griffiths, Michael Hellier, David Hunt, Ashley Lester, Josef Lewis, Peter Phillips, Eddie Prothero, John Randall, Henry Russell, Simon Rutter, Jacob Simms and Andy Todd​.

Contact: Fletcher, Sara (STFC,RAL,BDD)