Typical meetings include presentations of a user project, LabVIEW news, how-to presentations from a National Instruments (NI) representative and solutions to a coding challenge or sharing of LabVIEW tips and tricks. The group has hosted visitors from Harwell-based companies, AWE and NPL as well as universities including Royal Holloway and Imperial.
In the last ten years, the group has hosted 100 presentations from 44 different speakers as well as 14 coding challenges and 6 Christmas LabVIEW quizzes!
Through the group, Sarah Fisher, Software Section Leader in the ISIS Synchrotron Group, has helped organise a UKRI-wide LabVIEW Enterprise Agreement giving staff full access to LabVIEW packages and delivering significant savings for STFC. The meetings have encouraged users to achieve accredited qualifications to improve the standard of the code they produce.
Tony Gibbs, the NI Account Manager for Research, presented Sarah with a trophy in recognition of her efforts to build and sustain the group and the users provided an anniversary cake.

The next meeting is on 13th September 2019, contact Sarah for details.