The address of the venue is:
Hotel Be.Live Orotava, Tenerife, Av. Aguilar y Quesada, 3, 38400 Puerto de la Cruz. Phone +34 922 36 88 60
How to go there
order to organize your trip for the MDANSE 2018 school, here are a few
informations to help you.
- You may make use of low cost companies from most airports in Europe.
- The nearest and recommended airport is Tennerife North (TFN). From there, use the local bus network towards Puerto de la Cruz:
- You may as well reach South (TFS) Airport.Then get the:
- bus 343 (Timetable)
- or a rental car, or taxi.
- With the bus lines, drop down at the bus stop "Tucan' and walk down the 'Camino Sitio Litre'. Then turn right at the end of the camino to reach the 'Calle de Valois' and the 'Avenida Aguilar y Quesada'. The hotel is about 400 m away from the bus stop.
- The weather is definitively sunny, and not too hot (max
21-27 C).
- The dates for the school are Sept. 23rd evening-29th
morning, and hotel is booked for this period.