LENS Machine Learning School: February 15th - 19th 2021
16 Dec 2020
- Jos Cooper







Machine learning school for beginners and intermediates

This course is designed to be a gateway, allowing someone who knows how to code to get into machine learning. We will give a brief overview of ​most modern and traditional machine learning techniques, with a neutron or​​​ muon based application wherever possible. The school will run Feburary 15th - 19th 2021 (inclusive) and will consist of two lectures per day, each paired with a corresponding tutorial where you can implement the technique you have just learnt.



Basic skills in Python, including numpy/scipy/similar, Matlab also possible but all lectures will be in Python.


·       Remove the mystery surrounding machine learning for people wanting to try it for themselves.

·       Share hints and tips between people with some experience

·       Illustrate examples of problems that can be solved with one or the other type of neural networks.

·       Bridge the gap between the domain scientists and AI experts.

Applications for ISIS participants now closed. For other institutions please refer to your contact for instructions on how to apply.

All other institutions please apply following instructions from your local school representitive.


​​Lecturers and and School Support:​

Anders Kaestner        PSI
Andrew McCluskey        ESS
Emmanouela Rantsiou   PSI​
Gagik Vardanyan            ILL
Guanghan Song             ILL
James Durant                ISIS 
Jeyan Thiyagalingam     SciML 
Jos Cooper                ISIS 
Keith Butler                SciML 
Kuangdai Leng        SciML 
Marina Ganeva        MLZ
Mario Teixeira Parente   MLZ
Paul Baumeister        JSC​

Contact: Cooper, Jos (,RAL,ISIS)