From left to right. Top row: Rastislav Turanyi, Svemir Rudic, Giovanni Romanelli, Matthew Krzystyniak, Hamish Cavaye, Jeff Armstrong, James Taylor, Ian Silverwood. Middle row: Gui Maciel Pereira, Franz Demmel, Adrien Perrichon, Spencer Howells. Front row: Ed Jones, Sanghamitra Mukhopadhyay, Stewart Parker, Victoria Garcia Sakai, Mona Sarter, Katie Morton.
Main Contact
Instruments and Contacts
The range of science studied is vast, but we have a particularly strong track record in catalysis, energy-related materials, polymers and biophysics. The instruments in the group span the energy range from the (almost) zero of quasielastic and tunnelling spectroscopy (0 - 10 meV, 0 - 80 cm-1) with IRIS and OSIRIS, through the traditional vibrational spectroscopy region (2 - 500 meV, 16 - 4000 cm-1) with TOSCA, up to very high energies (>5 eV, >40,000 cm-1) with VESUVIO. For more detailed information on each of the instruments and its associated science, please refer to their specific websites. To discuss an application for beamtime to the instruments within the group please contact any member of the group.
The next Molecular Spectroscopy Science User Meeting is planned for October/November 2023.If you have any suggestions/comments in reference to any of our instruments, science or events, please feel free to contact the User Group secretary Mona Sarter.
For the latest developments in our group and suite of instruments, please read our September 2023 Good Vibrations out now!