Muons and Magnetism
19 Dec 2013



The ISIS Muon facility enables a wide variety of studies of magnetic materials.


​Detection of an energy level crossing in a molecular nanomagnet, Cr8Cd, with implanted muons. Image shows the Cr8Cd molecule. ​


“Despite being one of the earliest scientific discoveries, magnetism in materials is relatively poorly understood. Current research involves, not only applications of magnetism in electronic devices or in computer memory, but fundamental questions about the quantum mechanical behaviour of the Universe. In fact, many people believe that magnetic materials may be used as so-called 'quantum simulators' of the interactions of the particles and fields of nature. The muon is an incredibly sensitive probe of the magnetism of materials which has allowed us to see effects that are almost invisible to other techniques. Muons are also quite complementary to other experimental methods such as neutron scattering, allowing us to look at different aspects of a material's magnetism. ISIS remains at the forefront of magnetism research and the strong tradition of user support, innovation and in-house science will ensure that it stays there.” Tom Lancaster, University of Durham.
