This meeting, jointly organised by the IoP/RSC Neutron Scattering Group, ISIS and ILL, is a chance for UK users of neutrons and muons to hear about latest science using these techniques, together with facility updates and other news of interest to the community. It will take place in the University of Warwick Conference Centre. The meeting normally attracts over 300 neutron and muon users.
The structure of the meeting will be:
Wednesday 10 April (11am onwards): Student Day
A chance for students who are using neutrons or muons in their projects to meet other students, learn more about neutron and muon techniques and present their work.
Thursday 11 April (9am onwards): Science Day
Plenary talks together with parallel sessions based around five themes. A chance to hear latest results from members of the community
Friday 12 April (9am - 1.15pm followed by lunch): User Day
Facility updates and other news of interest to ISIS and ILL users.
A detailed programme will be available nearer to the meeting date.
Instructions and details of meeting practicalities (travel to Warwick, accommodation, parking, etc) can be found in this pdf file. The full information pack for the meeting will be emailed to participants on Tues 2 April.
The meeting is free to attend for researchers at UK universities, and reasonable travel costs will be reimbursed.
Registration has now closed. If you have questions about registration, please contact the ISIS User Office.
Confirmed speakers to-date
Plenary talks:
Katharina Edkins (Strathclyde)
Elizabeth Blackburn (Lund)
Facility updates:
Roger Eccleston (ISIS Director)
Giovanna Fragneto (ESS Science Director)
Ken Andersen (ILL Director)
Science day sessions
Breakout session theme
Confirmed invited speakers
Energy and functional materials Chairs: Donna Arnold (Kent), Koji Yokoyama (ISIS)
| Paz Vaquerio (Reading) Vishal Shah (Warwick) Hamish Yeung (Birmingham) Thomas Ashton (UCL)
Magnetism and superconductivity Chairs: Alex Gibbs (St Andrews), Andrew Wildes (ILL)
| Jennifer Graham (PSI) Simon Cassidy (Oxford) Rhea Stewart (ISIS) Matthew Coak (Birmingham)
Molecular systems and catalysis Chairs: Małgorzata Swadźba-Kwaśny (Belfast), Peter Fouquet (ILL)
| Fabrizia Foglia (UCL) Stuart James (Queen's Belfast) John Proctor (Salford) Peter Fouquet (ILL)
Biosciences and soft matter Chairs: Richard Campbell (Manchester), Becky Welbourn (ISIS)
| Alessandra Luchini (Perugia) Edwin Johnson (Sheffield) Thomas McCoy (Cambridge) Federica Sebastiani (Copenhagen)
Engineering, imaging and cultural heritage Chairs: Biao Cai (Birmingham), Anna Fedrigo (ILL)
| Tan Sui (Surrey) Alexander Evans (BAM) Claudia Mondelli (ILL) Maria Paula Marques (Coimbra)