New Deuteration Laboratory now open!
03 May 2024



The Deuteration Facility officially opened its doors to the newly refurbished synthesis laboratory on the 14th February.




The laboratory was destroyed by a fire over two years ago, in May 2021, and since then the team have been hard at work in a temporary home. This came with a lot of challenges due to limited equipment and space, and therefore it was difficult to keep up with the influx of requests from the ISIS users and other collaborators. Hence, the opening of the new laboratory was a day that was worth a celebration!​

After the fire, the opportunity was taken to design with new laboratory with safety and sustainability in mind. The layout of the laboratory was changed to ensure no dead ends, providing full access and egress to all areas. Three separately contained rooms have been put in place for an office space, reactor room and an evaporator room. The latter has its own fire suppression system, as well as the fume hoods. Each area of the lab has its own pressure rating, which is indicated by a visual traffic light system. This allows the office to be in positive pressure, ensuring the air flow is always in the correct direction around the rooms. Other features include automatic fume hoods and automatic chemical cupboards. 

The laboratory has built in remote features, that allows elements such as vacuum and air handling to be controlled remotely. Alarm systems are also in place for leaks.

During the opening event, all ISIS staff and users were invited to explore the new facilities in the laboratory and discuss future plans with the Lab team. This was a very successful afternoon that has already led to collaborative work across different ISIS groups in the division.

For anyone keen to learn more about the Deuteration Facility and the team, please see the ISIS Deuteration Facility webpage or contact

An empty laboratory with five fume hoods

Contact: McCorquodale, June (STFC,RAL,ISIS)