10 Feb 2023



A significant upgrade of an existing instrument to increase flux via guide installation.


Replacing the current 25-year-old guide by a modern guide will deliver at least a fivefold increase in flux and improved sensitivity. ​​

Technique: Quasielastic neutron scattering 
Contact: Victoria Garcia Sakai​

Why do we need Osiris+​​

The upgrade will make Osiris a highly competitive and versatile neutron spectrometer, to facilitate studies of battery materials, correlated electron dynamics and diffusion in catalysts. Significant progress is expected in supporting the UK’s ambitions to deliver Net Zero and the green industrial revolution. 

What will Osiris+ do?​​​

This upgrade will enable studies in catalysis and energy materials, enhancing work, for example, by Johnson Matthey to improve automotive emission-control catalysts, alongside other industrial users such as Toyota, General Motors, Proctor & Gamble and Ansaldo. 

Watch Maria Paula ​Mar​ques from the University of Coimbra, Portugal, talk about what Osiris+ will do for bioscience:

Technical success criteria​​

•  Maximising the flux on a sample size of 2*3 cm2 and 1*1 cm2 through relaxing the divergence. Gain factor of around 10 is expected compared with present guide. 
• The position of the secondary spectrometer will remain. A curved guide section is required to bring the secondary spectrometer out of line of sight again.   
• The shutter and insert will be shared with an upgraded IRIS guide section and the new guide will be geometrically constrained in this section.  
• Two slit systems will be integrated to allow for adjusting the divergence and reduce background. ​

Contact: Garcia Sakai, Victoria (STFC,RAL,ISIS)