PhD Studentships
08 Mar 2023



Applications are now open for PhD positions co-funded by the ISIS Neutron and Muon Source.




​​These co-funded studentships, normally 50% funded by ISIS and 50% by a university, contain an element of facility development - for example development of equipment, software or experimental processes. Studentships have an ISIS supervisor and a university supervisor who work in partnership t​hroughout the student's project. Over recent years, ISIS has funded around 5​0 of these studentships across a wide range of topics and university partners. A full list of the studentships supported to-date can be found below.  ISIS Facility Development Studentships Awarded to 2022.pdf

Applications are now open through the relevant university websites.

Case studies of previous and current ISIS facility development students and their work are available by clicking the names below: 

Harry Lane​Anna Herlihy, Matilda Rhodes, Richard Waite, Ranggi Ramadhan, Ralf Z​iesche

Watch the video below to hear from directly from the students themselves:​


ISIS PhD Studentships

Contact: Jones, Martin Owen (STFC,RAL,ISIS)