Xpress Access to beamtime at ISIS is suitable for:
- new and infrequent users who want to test the feasibility of a potential IRIS/OSIRIS experiment prior to submitting a full proposal
- research programmes requiring only limited and/or occasional neutron beamtime
- existing users wanting to try new ideas
A total of 2 beam days per proposal round will be devoted to this programme and it would be expected that each sample will receive up to 12hrs of beamtime.
Experimental considerations
Only standard IRIS/OSIRIS sample containers, either annular or flat, will be used for these measurements.
Samples are restricted to a form that requires minimal sample handling and preparation (ie. can be handled in the open laboratory).
Measurements will be performed at temperatures between 3.5K and 550K using the dedicated top-loading CCR only.
Samples will be usually disposed of by ISIS. If there is a compelling reason for their return, this should be discussed with the instrument scientist before using Xpress.
Data output
After the sample has been measured, the reduced dataset will be emailed to you.
Data policy
Data collected using Xpress are subject to the normal ISIS policy regarding publication of scientific results, and bibliometric criteria, among others, will be used to assess the productivity of the scheme.