The MPMS System-3 integrates a SQUID detection system and a precision temperature control unit inside the bore of a high-field superconducting magnet. The SQUID magnetometer is the most sensitive device for measuring magnetic properties of materials. Common uses of this equipment include field sweeps and hysteresis loops, moment vs. field and moment vs. temperature measurements and field and zero-field cool measurements.
Common Research Applications
Temperature range of 1.8 to 400 K
Maximum applied field strength of ± 7 Tesla
Field uniformity of 0.01 % over 4 cm
Option of VSM or DC sample transport
Maximum sample size of 9 mm length by 5-6 mm diameter (sample to fit in a standard sized plastic drinking straw)
Measurement Packages
The MultiVu interface offers a Visual Basic interpreter as an expanded software functionality for advanced programming options. The number of benefits include its ability to parameterise quantities, use conditional statements to optimise measurements, analyse data on the fly and integrate third party instruments into measurements. This software is also incorporated into the Quantum Design PPMS-9 and PPMS-DynaCool instruments.
Measurement Options
AC Susceptibility
The AC Measurement System (ACMS) option measures the dynamic (real and imaginary) response to an oscillating AC field without sample motion within the pickup coil. It can provide information on properties such as the structural details of materials, resonance phenomena and electrical conductivity by induced currents.
Horizontal Rotator
The Horizontal Rotator (HR) option enables magnetometry as a function of angle, allowing both in-plane and perpendicular sample rotation with respect to the field for full characterisation of anisotropic samples.
Three sample holders: standard, large (bulk) and thin film
Angular range of 360 °
Minimum step size of 0.1 °
Compatible with DC Scan and AC Susceptibility (<10 Hz)
The high temperature oven option offers sensitive magnetometry spanning temperatures from 300 K up to 1,000 K.
Heater stick and turbo pump
Moment sensitivity of 1 × 10-6 emu for H ≤ 2500 Oe and 8 × 10-6 emu for H > 2500 Oe.
Compatible with DC Scan, SQUID-VSM and AC Susceptibility (<10 Hz)
Helium-3 Refrigerator
The Helium-3 insert allows for low temperature magnetometry below 2 K, extending the minimum temperature range for DC and AC measurements.
Temperature range of 0.40 K to 1.80 K
< 3 hours cooldown time (300 K to 0.5 K)
10 hours 3He lifetime
Compatible with DC Scan and AC Susceptibility
Helium-3 brochure
Pressure Cell
The Diamond Anvil Pressure Cell enables high pressure magnetometry up to 10 GPa.
Manufacturer's website