Shipping Guide For Users
27 Feb 2023



Information for users on shipping samples to ISIS

Cardboard boxes



​It is important to know the shipping guidelines, radioactivity regulations, and personnel contacts prior to any sample shipment. Keep the following in mind when preparing​ shipments:

  • Understand local laws and regulations where you will be shipping from.  These may include dangerous goods shipping regulations, radioactive material permits and customs declarations.  ISIS staff cannot advise on details of Dangerous Goods regulatory requirements from your home institutions – please consult your home logistics team/Dangerous Goods Safety Advisor. Information on whether your material is Dangerous Goods can be found in section 14 of a Safety Data Sheet.

  • For radioactive materials be aware of your home facility/institute's radioactivity guidelines and who the radiological safety officer is to coordinate your plans with them. Please also ensure you contact the ISIS sample team ( prior to shipping radioactive materials.

  • Costs of shipping to ISIS are to be covered by the shipper. Please bear this in mind since changes to customs has led to increased charges and complexity.

For shipments to ISIS from the UK see the UK Shipping Checklist below.

For shipments to ISIS from outside the UK see the Internation​al S​hipping Checklist below.

When to ship

Samples and equipment are expected to arrive seven days before the scheduled beam time to avoid any delays or loss of beam time. Communicate with your local contact if exceptions to this policy are required (for example, time-sensitive/perishable samples). It is your responsibility to determine when to ship samples from your home institution to meet this requirement.

Rutherford Appleton Lab Logistics is not able to receive packages on weekends or outside of normal business hours.

Please bear in mind customs formalities now UK have left the EU, and international shipping is no longer next day delivery (now typically 2-3 days) and factor this in to your planning.

Be aware of shipping around national holidays in England, as it could delay the arrival of shipments.

Commercial Chemicals for ISIS Experiments

Users are advised to contact the Support Labs Team ( to check if chemicals needed for your experiment are in stock in advance of your experiment.  If you intend to purchase chemicals for your experiment please consider getting them delivered to ISIS directly from the supplier.  The Support Labs Group can help with this (

How to ship

To ensure materials are shipped appropriately and processed correctly upon arrival, review the below requirements.

Instrument-specific shipping requirements may exist, such as arrangements for Xpress measurements and sample containers being sent in advance for filling at your own labs. Please speak with your local contact to determine any specific shipping requirements for the instrument you will be using.

  • Confirm the sample you are shipping is listed in an ERA (Experimental Risk Assessment) or your local contact has been made aware of and acknowledged details of the sample composition, associated hazards and sample handling instructions.
  • Include a detailed packing list of all the samples, materials and equipment.  Individually label/identify your sample(s) and indicate sample constituent/formula.  Samples that are not clearly identified will cause delays and may be returned or destroyed.​

Samples that are Nuclear Materials (containing Uranium or Thorium)

If shipping samples that are nuclear materials please contact the ISIS Sample Safety Team  The ISIS Sample Safety Team will coordinate the approvals and reporting requirements to receive these samples. Please allow 4 weeks for this process to be completed in time for your experiment.  We do not accept Plutonium or Neptunium containing samples.

Shipping Containers

Ensure the shipping container looks professional and clean. A new outer container without an excess of tape or markings is best. Otherwise, remove or blackout pre-existing labels on the container. Please consult your Dangerous Goods Safety Advisor or local logistics team for advice on Dangerous Goods compliant containers.

Shipping Providers

ISIS users in the past have successfully used shipping providers who deliver directly to ISIS, such as FedEx, UPS, and DHL.

If shipping from outside the UK, you are responsible for all aspects of the UK Customs clearance process. This may include payment of applicable duties or fees. Go to the International Shipments section below for more information.  Our logistics staff can help you with any specific queries about your shipments and the UK Customs clearance process, you can email them at

​Special Handling Requirements​

If a sample has special requirements, such as a needs to be refrigerated, -20 freezer or- 80 freezer, air or moisture sensitivity please speak with your local contact. For air/moisture sensitive samples ISIS may be able to send empty sample containers for you to load and seal samples in your own glove boxes (please discuss this with your local contact).

Where to Ship

Non-Radioactive Materials

Recipient:            <your local contact name> - <RB number><Instrument>

                                ISIS Neutron and Muon Facility

                                Rutherford Appleton Laboratory


                                OX11 0QX


Alternatively you can use the template label provided here:Shipping Label Non-Radioactive.docx

Radioactive Materials

Please note these samples need to be approved to send prior to shipping.  Please contact the ISIS Sample Safety Team

Recipient:            R56 RPS Cupboard - <your local contact name> - <RB number><Instrument>

                                ISIS Neutron and Muon Source

                                Rutherford Appleton Laboratory


                                OX11 0QX


Alternatively, you can use the template label provided here: Shipping Label Radioactive.docx

​Sample Returns and Disposals (what happens to samples after the experiment)

ISIS is not a repository for samples. During the completion of your ERA (Experimental Risk Assessment) you are required to choose an option for sample return or disposal. Please help the ISIS staff by making the appropriate arrangements for your samples when you arrive for your experiment.

After the experiment is complete, the options for sample disposition are:

  1. Sample disposal through waste streaming in the labs
  2. Short term (agreed) storage, within our logged storage cupboards
  3. Sample return via ISIS Logistics – speak to your local contact
  4. Take the sample away with you (if not radioactive or classified as a Dangerous Good above any relevant exemption limits) – contact

After the experiment is complete, ISIS staff will determine when samples and user-supplied equipment can be returned. Please note, that depending on the composition of the sample, it may become radioactive in the beam and need to be stored for a period of time, to allow the radioactivity to decay before returning. 

Samples may be stored at ISIS for a limited time only with explicit approval from your local contact.

Radioactive Sample Return Shipments

If you choose to have your sample(s) returned after the experiment, discuss outbound shipping needs with your instrument contact or Sample Safety Team representative in advance of your departure. If a sample's level of radioactivity prohibits removal from the building, it will be stored onsite until it can be safety shipped to your home institution.

​International Shipping Checklist

This checklist includes the required steps for shipping samples to ISIS from outside the UK.  It is important to follow each of the steps outlined in the checklist. Contact for any questions.

Radioactive samples: Ensure radioactive samples have been approved by ISIS to be received before shipping. Please contact the ISIS Sample Safety Team

  1. Confirm the sample(s) you are shipping is listed in an ERA (Experimental Risk Assessment) or your local contact has been made aware of and acknowledged details of the sample composition, associated hazards and sample handling instructions.

  2. Talk to your logistics team about your local requirements for dangerous goods shipments.

  3. Choose a shipping provider who will pick up your sample and deliver it to ISIS.

  4. Work with your shipping provider to complete the required documentation in advance, this will likely include
    1. Shipping Invoice (which includes a Description of Goods, Country of Origin, Net weight, Commodity Code, Value (Realistic)), Export Entry Forms, Packing List and CMR (a consignment note)   
    2. Agent details and full contact details of sender and receiver

  5. Discuss with your shipper and ensure the relevant import customs duties are processed prior to shipping, this can be completed in the following ways;
    1. Payment of the import duty (this is usually done through the Shipping Agent/Courier and placed against your shipping account)
    2. OR Applying for a carnet through your country chamber of commerce or equivalent (each Country (if a participant in this scheme) will have their own method of raising these documents.  In most countries, this would involve to the Chamber of Commerce or Local Customs Office.  Your shipping agent should be able to advise on this)
    3. OR Declaring on the shipping invoice that the import is on a temporary arrangement, and send all details prior to shipping to the ISIS customs clearance contacts to arrange the clearance This route requires preapproval, please contact our logistics team in advance - See point 6 below.

  6. Please note that the ISIS customs clearance contacts are – Ben Lewis ( or or Matt Danson (

  7. Include a detailed packing list of all samples and materials in your shipment.

  8. Consult with your logistics/dispatching team that the appropriate packing and documentation has been completed for dangerous goods shipping regulations.

  9. Choose a clean and professional shipping container, without any excess of tape or markings.

  10. Correctly address and label your shipment and include:
    1. ​Your organisation's address
    2. Your full name and contact information as the exporter (phone number and email address required
    3. ISIS contact name and shipping address. Shipping addresses and label templates can be found above. 

  11. If your sample has any special requirements, such as low temperature storage, let your local contact know about them before shipping.

  12. Send the shipping information (as outlined in section 4 above) to, so that the customs clearance can be arranged prior to the package arriving at the UK borders.

  13. Inform your local contact that the shipment has been dispatched and provide any tracking details available.

  14. Discuss the requirements for the samples post experiment with your local contact – disposal/return shipment/prearranged short term storage at ISIS.

Useful tips

Hand Luggage

We do not advise you to carry goods in Hand Luggage (Declared or Undeclared) – This will potentially make returning goods difficult.

Custom clearance information

If ISIS are clearing goods through an agent as part of your shipping arrangements with your shipping provider, we need specific details to aid Clearance as well as all documentation. (This can be provided by your shipping agent)

Date of Export:

Expected Date of Arrival:

Port of Exit:

Port of Arrival:

​Vehicle Registration and Trailer No. (If Applicable): 

Goods valuation

The value must be realistic and reflective of the goods, do not value artificially Low – Customs (His Majesty's Revenue and Customs (HMRC)) may interrogate the value, and this can slow down the whole process.

​Description of goods

Where possible please use a common chemical, product or element/substance name that your shipping provider can use to classify the goods.  It is essential that they classify the goods correctly, as they will assign a Commodity Code to the goods – this acts as a numerical identification to Customs as to what the goods are.  It also informs whether there are any export/import controls on the goods (e.g. Dual Use/Military licence needs) and the Duty Rate of the goods. 

The Agent or Courier will need some method of identification so they know what they are carrying and will run their own due diligence as to whether they are happy to carry it.  They are mainly checking on the safety of the goods and will question if they have any suspicion about the goods.

Within the UK, you can look up commodity codes, duty and VAT rates - this will give you UK Commodity Codes. You would need to search for the number that best describes the goods – there are no “best" codes as it is specific to the goods, and they are not generic.  Each country/EU has their own Trade Tariff system. Most numbers are harmonised to the first 4-6 numbers, then the following numbers may differ from country to country. Speak to your shipping courier about the best way to assign a commodity code for your goods.

UK Shipping Checklist

This checklist includes the required steps for shipping samples to ISIS from within the UK.  It is important to follow each of the steps outlined in the checklist. Contact for any questions.

Radioactive samples: Ensure radioactive samples have been approved by ISIS to be received before shipping. Please contact the ISIS Sample Safety Team

  1. Confirm the sample(s) you are shipping is listed in an ERA (Experimental Risk Assessment) or your local contact has been made aware of and acknowledged details of the sample composition, associated hazards and sample handling instructions.

  2. Talk to your logistics team about your local requirements for dangerous goods shipments.

  3. Choose a shipping provider who will pick up your sample and deliver it to ISIS.

  4. Include a detailed packing list of all samples and materials in your shipment.

  5. Choose a clean and professional shipping container, without any excess of tape or markings.

  6. Correctly address and label your shipment and include:
    1. ISIS contact name and shipping address. Shipping addresses and label templates can be found above.
    2. Your full name
    3. Your organisation's address

  7. If your sample has any special requirements, such as low temperature storage, let your local contact know about them before shipping.

  8. Inform your local contact that the shipment has been dispatched and provide any tracking details available.

Contact: Taylor, James (STFC,RAL,ISIS)