Standard Furnaces
25 Jun 2013




There are a number of furnaces able to operate from room temperature up to the 1000°C limit, some of which are tied to specific instruments and others that can be used on any of the neutron beamlines. Please see further details below.


If you have any questions about this equipment or you think you may want to use one on your experiment contact the Pressure and Furnaces team, or the respective instrument scientist.
Both RAL3 & RAL4 furnaces can be used with an Omega rotation centre stick for single crystal work, or a gas handling centre-stick.The Mari furnace is unique at ISIS in that it has a horizontal geometry.

Furnace Description
RAL 1 RAL design, 38mm bore Al tail with Vanadium windows.
RAL 2 RAL design, 32mm bore Vanadium spool piece
RAL 3 ILL design Niobium furnace with 63mm bore  Al tail.
RAL 4 ILL design , 63mm bore, Al tail, vanadium windows.
RAL 5 RAL design, 32mm bore Vanadium spool piece
Gem ILL design, 50mm bore Al tail with vanadium windows.
Polaris ILL design, 50mm bore Al tail with vanadium windows.
Mari RAL design, Bespoke Niobium elements to suit sample up to 80mm no outer tail.
Leicester 24mm bore Aluminium tail with vanadium windows.
SXD RAL design, 20mm bore Aluminium tail with vanadium windows.
Engin-X RAL design, Reflector furnace