Computing Systems Operations
19 Nov 2020



The systems operations group develops and supports the users single login, remote access, networks, WiFi, printers and other systems needed to support operations and experiments

Computer script on a screen



​​The systems operations group is responsible for developing and supporting many of the services that integrate ​and enable other computing across ISIS.

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A rich web service is provided to other teams developing user programme software across STFC, which provides a login service (authorisation and authentication) and needed user information. We also facilitate user details management, both for the individual user and the ISIS & CLF User Offices.​ The breadth of other systems that use this has expanded over the years and we have recently started a project to develop a user dashboard. This dashboard will give summary information pulled from all of these systems so users and staff can, at a glance, see the progress of experiments and allow them to "drill down" and complete tasks as needed.​

Support and Infrastructure

Two teams deliver an IT helpdesk and behind-the-scenes infrastructure that are critical to the smooth running of the huge range of software used by staff and users across ISIS.​


We also are responsible for the continuing development of our SharePoint system that hosts internal systems and external science interation sites. We use our software engineering expertise to help facility staff make the most of our SharePoint investment. In addition to document storage, we have developed several custom solutions including a site for managing all ISIS projects from the small to the large, a taxi bookings management tool, fault reporting and a quality management system for CLF. We also help staff collaborate using Office 365 and SharePoint Online.

Technologies used

Java, C#, dotNet, Jenkins, Maven, Payara, IIS, Docker, Telerik, SharePoint 2010, SharePoint 2016, Modern SharePoint Online, PowerApps, Power Automate (formerly MS Flow), PowerShell​

Want to​ join us?​

Fancy working with us in the beautiful Oxfordshire countryside​? Or remotely at home or at our Daresbury Campus​ in Cheshire?

If you're experienced and want to help us make a difference, we'd love to hear from you. 

Also, if you're interested in a starting your career with us, as an apprentice, intern, vacation or sandwich student, or work experience student, get in touch. 

For more information, please see: Careers in Computing

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Contact: Hodder, Simon (STFC,RAL,ISIS)