Location: Cosener's House, Abingdon, Oxfordshire, UK
Dates: 23rd and 24th June 2025
Registration is now open: Register here.
We are accepting submissions of abstracts for contributed talks by students and early career researchers. Abstracts may be submitted in the registration form. The deadline for abstract submission is Apr. 30th.
Practical information
The meeting is free to attend and all are welcome.
The meeting will start at 10:30 on Monday 23rd June and will end at 16:00 on Tuesday 24th June.
If you require accommodation before, during or after the meeting, you should book this yourself.
Please be aware of fraudulent emails being sent offering to book accomodations. You must book your own accomodations directly with the hotel. If you have any questions, please contact one of the organizers.
You can book direct with Cosener's House (https://www.thecosenershouse.co.uk) or nearby:
Crown and Thistle hotel (https://www.crownandthistleabingdon.co.uk/)
Rowen Guest House (in Abingdon) (http://www.rowenguesthouse.com/)
Meeting background
This year it will be the 23rd TEMM!
Talks will cover current research in both theoretical and experimental magnetism, and is intended for anybody who wishes to become familiar with current research in this area, with the special emphasis to bring scientists from UK and abroad together to foster long-term collaborations.
The meeting is funded and organised by the following organisations:
A coffee break is sponsored by the
Neutron Scattering Group (ukneutron.org).
The conference program will be published here, closer to the date of the conference.
Invited Speakers
Elizabeth Blackburn (Lund)
Stephen Blundell (Oxford)
Matthew Coak (Birmingham)
Pengcheng Dai (Rice)
Seamus Davis (Oxford)
Sven Friedemann (Bristol)
Jennifer Graham (PSI)
Johannes S. Hofmann (MPIPKS)
Chris Hooley (Coventry)
Guratinder Kaur (Edinburgh)
Elsa Lhotel (Institut Néel)
Mark Potts (MPIPKS)
Francis Pratt (ISIS)
Arnaud Ralko (Grenoble)
Thomas Saerbeck (ILL)
Virginie Simonet (Institut Néel)
Julie Staunton (Warwick)
Jeroen van den Brink (Dresden)
Organizing Committee:
For any questions, please contact any member of the organizing committee: