Materials to help you talk about ISIS
12 Dec 2013



If you're talking about ISIS in your presentations here is some material that you might find useful.

Image of ISIS target station 2
​​​​​​​TS2 interior view​


Images of STFC facilities and ISIS should be credited with “Image credit: STFC"​.​

Overview video of ISIS:​


Please use the logo below when referencing ISIS as part of your presentations. 

New logo.jpg

Images and instrument ma​p

Aerial photo of the ISIS Neutron an​​d Muon Source, 2024 (credit: STFC)

Aerial photo of the ISIS Neutron an​​d Muon Source, 2024 (credit: STFC)

ISIS instru​ment layout g​raphic

PowerPoint slides

​An Overview of the ISIS Neutron and Muon Source, Jan 2025​​

Science Highlights 2024​

Latest science highlights

You can read our most current science highlights online. ​​

Key ISIS facts and figures 

You can find some useful information about the ISIS facility and how it works, along with some other useful information in our facts and figures guide​.

ISIS ​animation

Here are some useful animations giving an overview of ISIS which you can embed in your presentations. ISIS Overview animation 10s
ISIS Overview animation 20s
ISIS Overview animation 45s


ISIS neutron and muon source publications

Cover of the practical guide to ISIS

​Our Practical ​Guide to the ISIS Neutron and Muon Source​ is an in-depth guide to how the facility operates all the way from the ion source t​o the beamlines. 


The Annual Review​ highlights the work of the facility over the past year, including highlights of international collaborations with ISIS, industrial use of the facility, and how ISIS develops the skills of its community and those of the next generation of scientists and engineers.  ​The review also includes the ISIS Impact Awards, r​ecognising some of t​he scientific, social and economic impacts its scientific community h​as achieved.​​

Cover of the Muon brochure

Muon Spectroscopy: Materials research

This leaflet (pdf) presents just a sample of the significant social and economic impact that mu​on spectroscopy c​ontributes to our lives. ​

It can also be viewed online.​

Cover of the Impact Brochure

Neutron Scattering: Materials research for modern life
A brochure introducing neutron scattering and showcasing a sample of the significant social and economic impacts it has contributed to. 
Includes exampl​e applications in: Energy; Environmnent and Climate; Medicine and Health; Electronics and IT; Manufacturing and Industry; Natural World and Heritage Science.
Cover of the ISIS Impact report
​The ISIS Lifetime Impact Study is an independent, in-depth review of the ISIS neutron ​and muon source, which outlines the wide range of economic and social impacts of the facility. 
It estimated the economic impact of ISIS over 30 years and characterised the wider impacts under research, innovation and skills that have already been delivered and those predicted to occur up to 2030. ​
Cover of a Journey through isis
A journey through ISIS
​This comprehensive A4 brochure takes readers on a nine-stage journey through ISIS:
  1. ​The start of the journey; Neutrons and Muons for science
  2. The journey's aim; Exploring drug delivery
  3. Different routes to take; The ISIS Instrument Suite
  4. Permission to t​ravel; Submitting a proposal for ISIS beamtime
  5. Getting ready to go; Preparing for the experiment
  6. Support along the way; O​perating ISIS
  7. The heart of the journey; Running the experiment
  8. At journey's end; After the experiment
  9. Helping others to travel; Training for ISIS users and staff​

