Tom McLeish In Memoriam
07 Mar 2023



​ We were saddened to hear of the death on 27th February of Prof Tom McLeish.

Facility board meeting

​Prof Tom McLeish (front, centre left) touring ISIS with other members of the ISIS Facility Board in 2010.​​​


Tom was an enormously respected scientist who, amongst many other things, developed a theoretical model for the dynamics of branched-chain polymers which was then tested using neutron scattering at ISIS. This work, published in Macromolecules in 1999,  is recognised as one of the top achievements of ISIS science. ISIS had close links to Tom through his polymer work and through the Soft Matter and Functional Interfaces (SOFI) Centre for Doctoral Training that he co-led in Durham.  Tom's expertise meant that he chaired STFC's Neutron Advisory Panel from 2009 – 2013, and was chair of the ISIS Facility Board (the ISIS oversight committee) from its inception in 2010 - 2012. He will be sadly missed.​​​​

Contact: Fletcher, Sara (STFC,RAL,BDD)