UK Visitors
Buses and Trains
The nearest railway station is Didcot Parkway. There is a bus service between the station and RAL. Buses run from approx. 05:00 am to 00:00 Monday-Saturday:
Thames Travel X34/X35 timetable. There is no bus service on Sundays.
The Science Transit Shuttle is a service connecting Oxford railway station and RAL:
ST1 Science Shuttle timetable.
Users wishing to travel between Didcot Parkway / Oxford railway stations and RAL are encouraged to use the bus in order to keep costs to a minimum.
If you take a taxi from Didcot, you will need to pay for this yourself. Most companies will accept card payment but it would be advisable to have enough cash to cover the fare which should be approx. £20. Taxi costs for journeys to and from Didcot Parkway will only be reimbursed where no bus service is available.
Where authorised, eligible costs for taxi fares can be claimed back by completing an
expenses claim form which you can obtain from the User Office. Please ensure you get receipts for anything you wish to reclaim.
Transport to and from Heathrow and Gatwick airports can be arranged if required via the
ISIS User Office. Please arrange this at least 24 hours before the taxi is required.
If you require any other taxi during your stay, please ensure this is arranged in advance via the User Office. The cut off for weekend taxi arrangements is 15:00 on a Friday. Taxis that have not been arranged via the User Office may not be eligible for reimbursement.
Users who will require taxis outside of business hours should still arrange these in advance via the User Office. If you do not know the specific time that a taxi is required, we can put your name on the out of hour's taxi list. You will then need to contact our RAL security team on 01235 445317, at least 1 hour before your taxi is required so that they can arrange this for you.
Where possible, taxi requests should be made via email or by creating a new visit request at
Overseas Visitors
We are not able to provide T&S costs for users travelling from outside the UK. Users from overseas will have to make their own travel arrangements to get to RAL.
Please refer to the Directions to ISIS page for further details.
For users funded through our EU Access grant or through an overseas ISIS-partnership agreement or access route, we will reimburse your travel expenses but you should make your own travel arrangements.