Unconventional Outreach
08 Feb 2019






​Outreach and public engagement include all the opportunities to share our science, research and other activities with the general ​public.  It has developed strongly over recent years and now takes many forms, but always involving the two-way process of interaction and listening.  There is now a diverse collection of approaches to reaching and engaging target audiences, traditional and unorthodox, technological and artistic.  As technology and the way in which people choose to receive information reshape the PE landscape, creativity and flexibility are essential to maintain a successful engagement programme.
In this theme we will explore the cutting-edge approaches to public engagement, sharing ideas and experiences of unconventional approaches and new trends, allowing us to rethink our current approaches to reach new audiences and add new and different dimensions to our activities.  

​​Unconventional Outreach: STEM on the road

Session lead: Phill Day, Science and Technology Facilities Council (STFC)
Parallel Session 3​: Tuesday 9 April 14:45 - 16:3​0​​

In this session we’ll discuss novel outreach projects, using new and unusual ideas, technology and events, to take our activities to and engage with diverse audiences.​

Unconventional Outreach: STEM and Art

Theme lead: Helen Towrie​

Parallel Session 4:​ Tuesday 9 April 14:45 - 16:3​0​​​

Art, in its many forms, can be a useful tool to communicate complex scientific ideas to the public.  In this session we hear how science communicators have used art to engage new audiences with STEM.  

Contact: Fletcher, Sara (STFC,RAL,BID)