Committee members are drawn from ISIS user groups and ISIS senior managers.
The committee reach out to the user community for feedback on the ISIS Facility prior to each IUC meeting. If you wish to send feedback outwith this process please email
here. Users may pass any comments or concerns they have about ISIS to the user group representatives or the Chair of the ISIS User Committee.
The ISIS User Committee (IUC) terms of reference can be found
The Chair of the IUC is the final arbiter for complaints about ISIS. Details of the complaint procedure
can be found here.
Committee Meetings
IUC meetings are held every six months, normally after the ISIS Facility Access Panel Meetings in June and December.
Minutes from past meetings can be found
Committee Membership
Committee Chair |
Wuge Briscoe
University of Bristol |
IUG1 Crystallography
| Matthew Cliffe
| University of Nottingham
Karen Johnston
| University of Durham
IUG2 Disordered Materials
| Gosia Swadzba-Kwasny | Queens University Belfast |
Helen Fraser
| The Open University
IUG4 Excitations
| Vacancy |
Vacancy |
IUG5 Molecular Spectroscopy
| Maria Paula Marques | University of Coimbra |
Matthew Potter
| University of Bath
IUG6 Muons | Ravi Singh
| Indian Institute of Science Education and Research, Bhopal
Benjamin Huddart
| University of Oxford
IUG7 Engineering | Muhammad Naeem
| University of Birmingham
IUG8 Small Angle Scattering
| Wuge Briscoe
| University of Bristol
Alex Routh
| University of Cambridge
IUG9 Reflectometry
| Richard Campbell
| University of Manchester
Tom Arnold
| European Spallation Source
IUG10 Chip Irradiation
| Matteo Cecchetto
IUG11 Cultural Heritage
| Francesco Grazzi
| Consiglio Nazionale delle Ricerche
ISIS Representatives
Roger Eccleston | ISIS Director
Steve Wakefield | ISIS Head of Operations & Deputy Director
Philip King
| ISIS Associate Director for Partnerships & Programmes
Sean Langridge | ISIS Associate Director for Science
Matt North | ISIS Instrumentation Division Head
Marek Jura
ISIS Experimental Operations Division Head
Hannah Griffin | ISIS Computing Division Head |
Emma Gozzard |
ISIS User Programme Manager |