Technique: Cold-neutron diffractometer
Contact:Pascal Manuel Why do we need WISH-2?
Wish-2 will be optimized for the study of single crystals and thin films whilst also allowing experiments on powdered samples. The scientific outputs of the beamline will provide unique understanding of complex materials that are essential to quantum technologies, hydrogen storage and sustainable growth. Combined with an upgrade to the existing Wish beamline to implement polarized neutron measurement capability, the instruments together promise transformative breakthroughs in Advanced Manufacturing, Materials of the Future and Clean Growth.
Watch Paolo Radaelli from the University of Oxford describe WISH-II and it's application to Materials for the Future:
Watch Paolo Radaelli from the University of Oxford and Sihai Yang from the University of Manchester talk about the opportunities for using WISH-II to tackle Clean Growth:
Technical Success Criteria
• Detector Coverage:
In-plane 5∘−175∘
Out-of-plane +45∘−75∘
→2.66π (as little gaps as possible)
• Pixel size: Constrained to cover 0.2° x 0.2° (matching to high resolution HR mode)
• Resolution, δd/d
Backscattering (HR mode): 0.002
Forward scattering (HR mode): 0.01
• λ-range: 0.35Å-10Å
• d-spacing: 0.5Å-100Å
• Beam size: no less than 10mm x 10mm
• Options minimizing background: radial collimation, secondary path in vacuum