Case study - Managing controls at a world-leading facility and building low-cost ventilators
03 Aug 2021



All in a day's work!


​Sarah Medley​​​

Sarah Medley joined ISIS as a Software Engineer in May 2020, working on the accelerator control system. Passionate about control systems software, she is responsible for the design, maintenance, and customisation of accelerator alarms and their associated control room screens that ensure safe operation across the facility, and provides vital support for research in industrial and scientific innovation.
Sarah’s move to ISIS has unlocked many opportunities. As much of ISIS’s infrastructure is constantly being upgraded, she gets to work with an eclectic mix of technologies that doesn’t exist anywhere else in the world. Sarah has also had the opportunity to work with a variety of experts from Science and Technology Facilities Council (STFC) and its partners in the UK, as well as abroad.
While Sarah’s main role is focused on the control room, she has also jumped into new challenges as they arise. For example, Sarah worked on the control software of an STFC-wide project to develop a robust, low-cost ventilator for the Covid-19 recovery response in developing countries.
“This project has been the perfect opportunity to put my engineering experience to use in such a challenging time. It has been brilliant to have access to such a vast and collaborative network of experts to come up will a solution that will impact lives around the world.​”  Sarah Medley, Software Engineer

Contact: Fletcher, Sara (STFC,RAL,BDD)