Coronavirus (Covid-19) and the ISIS Neutron & Muon Source
26 Mar 2020



ISIS is regularly considering the implications of the coronavirus outbreak on its operations, particularly with regard to the health and safety of facility staff and users, reflecting current UK government and UKRI advice and guidance. Latest here.




10 January 2022

The next ISIS user cycle starts on 1 March 2022 for Second Target Station instruments only (TS1 instruments are still off for refurbishment of the target station). 

For running in the March 2022 cycle and onwards, we are expecting users to come physically to ISIS for experiments. Although we ran with users largely remote at the end of 2020 and during 2021, this puts a very large workload onto instrument scientists and technical staff and is not sustainable. 

Full details of Covid advice and guidance for users coming to ISIS can be found on the ISIS website.

The next call for proposals will be for TS1 and TS2 instruments and will have deadline 20 April 2022.  The proposal system will be open from 1 March 2022​

24 March 2020
Following UK government guidance ISIS is now closed, and will remain closed until further notice, in order to protect our staff and the wider community. Many staff are working remotely so are still contactable over email should you need to.​

17 March 2020

The ISIS Business Continuity Team met again this morning to consider the Coronavirus situation in the light of latest government and UKRI advice. We continue to make decisions particularly considering the health and safety of facility staff and users, as well how best ISIS can or should operate.

 In the light of changes to UK government policy over the past 24 hours, we have decided to ramp down ISIS accelerator operations:

- the accelerator will be turned off from 12.00 noon on Wed 18 March 2020. This will end the current run cycle; and we made the decision yesterday not to run the May/June run cycle.

- no new experiments will be started at this point. We will cancel all user visits from tomorrow onwards.  The User Office and ISIS scientists will contact those users who have planned experiments and who will be affected.

The following run cycle (28 April – 5 June 2020) has also been cancelled. 

The proposal call, scheduled with deadline of 15 April 2020, has also been cancelled.

Users should therefore now not travel to ISIS for experiments. Regarding experiments which have been cancelled, we may be able to reschedule some experiments, although this may not be possible in all cases and will depend on how and when ISIS is able to run in the second part of this year. Experiments that have not been able to run during this year will not in general be carried across the ISIS long shutdown in 2021.

If you have any questions or concerns regarding ISIS running or your travel to ISIS, please get in touch with the User Office or your experiment local contact.

This information is being reviewed on a daily basis and may change again as the situation with coronavirus develops.​

Updated 17 March 2020, 10.40am.​

Contact: Fletcher, Sara (STFC,RAL,BDD)