Instrument Scientist for SANS instruments at ISIS Neutron and Muon Source, STFC, Didcot, United Kingdom, since 2019.
SANS Group | SANS Instruments | SANS Team | Science | Sample Environment | Data Analysis
1. A nano-silicate material with exceptional capacity for CO2 capture and storage at room temperature. L P Cavalcanti, G N Kalantzopoulos, J Eckert, K D Knudsen, J O Fossum, Scientific Reports, 8:11827 (2018).
Evaluation of siRNA and Cationic Liposomes Complexes as a Model for in
vitro siRNA Delivery to Cancer Cells. I Es, M T Ok, X E
Puentes-Martinez, M A S de Toledo and M T P Favaro and L P Cavalcanti, A Cassago, R V Portugal, A R Azzoni, L G de la Torre. Colloids and Surfaces A 555:280-289 (2018).
Refractive index and thickness determination in Langmuir monolayers of
myelin lipids. Julio M Pusterla, A Gasperini, X Puentes-Martinez, L P Cavalcanti, Rafael G. Oliveira. BBA - Biomembranes, 1859: 924-930 (2017)
Microfluidic assembly of pDNA/cationic liposome lipoplexes with high
pDNA loading for gene delivery, T Balbino, J Serafin, A Gasperini, C
Oliveira, L P Cavalcanti, M de Jesus, L de La Torre, Langmuir 32:1799–1807 (2016)
Association between cationic liposomes and low molecular weight
hyaluronic acid, A Gasperini, X Puentes-Martinez, T Balbino, T
Rigoletto, G Corrêa, A Cassago, R Portugal, L G de La Torre*, L P Cavalcanti. Langmuir 31:3308 (2015)
Characterization of a Pt mirror to be used to deflect synchrotron
radiation beam onto Langmuir monolayers, C E P Vieira, A A M Gasperini, P
P S Freitas, R G Oliveira, L P Cavalcanti. J Synchrotron Rad, 22:859-861 (2015)
Correlation of the physico-chemical and structural properties of
pDNA/Cationic liposome complexes with their in vitro transfection, T. A.
Balbino, A. A. M Gasperini, C L P Oliveira, A. Azzoni, L P Cavalcanti, L de la Torre*. Langmuir, 28:11535−11545 (2012)
8. Compressibility Study of Quaternary Phospholipid Blend Monolayers, L P Cavalcanti, I Tho, O Konovalov, S Fossheim, M Brandl, Colloids and Surfaces B: Biointerfaces, 85:153-160 (2011)
9. Lipid Model Membranes for Drug Interaction Study, L P Cavalcanti, O Konovalov, I L Torriani, Eur Biophys J 35:431- 438 (2006)
Real-time observation of structural and orientational transitions
during growth of organic thin films, S. Kowarik, A Gerlach, S Sellner, F
Schreiber, L P Cavalcanti, and O Konovalov, Phys Rev Lett 96:125504 (2006)
Norwegian University of Science and Technology, Trondheim (since 2018)
Institute For Energy Technology (IFE), Kjeller, Norway (2016 - 2019)
School of Chemical Engeneering, University of Campinas (Unicamp), Brazil (visitor scientist, 2015 - 2016)
Brazilian Synchrotron Light Lab, Campinas, Brazil, (beamline scientist, 2010 - 2015)
Federal University of Sao Paulo (UNIFESP), Sao Jose dos Campos, Brazil (visitor scientist, 2013 - 2015)
Institute of Pharmacy, University of Tromsoe, Norway (2008 - 2010)
Institute of Physics, University of Missouri, Columbia, United States (2007)
Institute Laue Langevin, Grenoble, France (2006)
European Synchrotron Radiation Facility, Grenoble, France (2002 - 2006)
Rhodia Brazil, Chemical Industry, Paulinia, Brazil (2001 - 2002)
PhD in Physics, University of Campinas, Brazil, 2001
ID links:
STFC ePubs Database
ORCID: 0000-0002-0408-0058
SANS Group | SANS Instruments | SANS Team | Science | Sample Environment | Data Analysis