Dr. Richard Heenan started
at ISIS in 1984, recruited to complete the construction of LOQ, the first SANS
(Small-Angle Neutron Scattering) beam line at the ISIS Facility. He is now
widely regarded as a global expert in the fields of small-angle scattering
instrumentation, SANS data reduction and fitting, with contributions to over 300
scientific publications.
Richard was the lead
scientist for the SANS2d instrument on the ISIS Second Target Station, and was also
involved with the initial proposals and designs for the ZOOM instrument. His
much used Fish software for SANS data fitting has now largely been superseded
by Sasview, an international, open source project.
Since 1995 Richard has been
involved in many meetings and technical panels for time-of-flight SANS at the
European Spallation Source (ESS), and was chair of the SANS STAP (Science &
Technical Advisory Panel) from 2012 to 2015.
Richard partially
retired in Feb 2016, but continued to to support
the design and construction by STFC, in collaboration with the ESS, of the LoKI
SANS instrument at the ESS. He was also much involved with the maintenance and
development of Sasview. He also provided much-appreciated advice and expertise
to the ISIS team, scientific collaborators, and external projects such as the
SANS beam lines at the China Spallation Neutron Source.
After almost 40 years of dedicated service to small-angle scattering, home and abroad, Richard fully retired in Aug 2022.