Experimental Reports
07 May 2009



An experimental report must be submitted within three months of the experiment having been completed.




Reports are intended as interim summaries of the measurements made during an ISIS experiment and as such do not necessarily need to contain the final conclusions or data analysis. They should however record the outcome of the experiment.

Completed forms will not be made public, but may be made available to Facility Access panels for use in assessment of future beamtime applications.

Download a Word version of the form here (if you are using Microsoft Edge or Internet E​xplorer, please right-click on the link and choose “Save Target As” to download the file correctly).​

Submitting your Report

You can check on whether a report has been submitted for one of your experiments using the Experimental Reports website.​

Completed experimental reports should be submitted electronically in PDF format through the Experimental Reports submission website. If you are unable to use the website, completed reports can be sent to ISISreports@stfc​.ac.uk and isisuo@stfc.ac.uk.

Please ensure that the document name is changed to enable reports to easily identified - please include the experiment RB number in the filename. A confirmatory e-mail message will be sent to you, but this may take up to 2 working days, so please wait for this time before either enquiring further or sending the report again.

General enquiries regarding experimental reports should be directed to the ISIS User Office and NOT to ISISreports.

Experiment reports give an opportunity for ISIS users to note improvements or developments they would like to see at the facility.  Areas for improvement and development can also be noted on the ISIS User Satisfaction Form which teams are asked to complete after each experiment.  The ISIS User Committee​ receive comments that users make on ISIS performance from both Experimental Reports and User Satisfaction Forms.

