IMAT (Imaging and Materials Science & Engineering) is a neutron imaging and diffraction instrument enabling non-destructive and in-situ imaging and diffraction across a broad range of areas such as engineering, energy storage, earth sciences, cultural heritage and plant sciences.
IMAT currently provides equipment for neutron radiography, neutron tomography and energy-resolved neutron imaging, with the following features:
- ability to cope with small samples, and heavy samples up to 1.5 tonnes
- field of view of up to 20 x 20 cm2 with a spatial resolution of ~200 microns
- spatial 3D resolution of 60 microns for small samples
- diffraction (Bragg edge) imaging options for strain and composition analysis with a resolution of a few hundred microns
- software for state-of-the-art volume reconstruction
Diffraction detectors (to be installed in the near future) will enable spatially-resolved neutron strain scanning, crystallographic phase analysis and texture analysis.

IMAT schematic with tomography camera and 90-degree diffraction detectors
Many projects require one analysis technique, but having diffraction and imaging options on the same beamline enables new types of experiments. Residual stresses and phase compositions inside engineering-sized samples can be more effectively analysed if a diffraction scans is guided by radiographs.
The instrument was built with support from the Italian Research Council (CNR) and the Swedish Research Council (VR). The two large diffraction detector arrays at 90 degree scattering angles were funded by a project led by Prof. S. Eriksson from Chalmers University Gothenburg, Sweden.
Neutron imaging of an operational dilution refrigerator. C.R. Lawson, A.T. Jones, W. Kockelmann, S.J. Horney & O. Kirichek
Scientific Reports | (2022) 12:1130 |
Location and contact information for the Imat instrument
Access | Restricted |
Building | R80 - EXPERIMENTAL HALL 2 |
Telephone | 01235 445561