Scientists on Individual Merit Promotion




The Research Councils' Individual Merit Promotion scheme recognises senior scientific researchers who have made, and who will continue to make, an outstanding personal contribution in their field. ​The research councils and other participating organisations are invited to make nominations annually for individual merit promotion. The scheme is currently administered by the Natural Environment Research Council. More information about the scheme, and how to apply, can be found on their website. ​​​

​ISIS Neutron and Muon Source has a number of Individual Merit scientists, reflecting the high quality of the science that takes place at the facility.

What does it take to become an Individual Merit scientist?

​​Find out m​ore about our Individual Merit scientists by reading their profiles.​

  • Luke Clifton at the Offspec instrument, ISIS TS2
  • ISIS scientist, Pascal Manuel, speaks to guests at ISIS
  • Dr Robert Bewley installing the TS1 Characterisation rig on the LARMOR instrument at ISIS.