PhD Studentships
08 Mar 2023



Applications are now open for PhD positions co-funded by the ISIS Neutron and Muon Source.




​​These co-funded studentships, normally 50% funded by ISIS and 50% by a university, contain an element of facility development - for example development of equipment, software or experimental processes. Studentships have an ISIS supervisor and a university supervisor who work in partnership t​hroughout the student's project. Over recent years, ISIS has funded around 5​0 of these studentships across a wide range of topics and university partners. A full list of the studentships supported to-date can be found below.  ISIS Facility Development Studentships Awarded to 2022.pdf

Applications are now open through the relevant university websites, as shown below​.

Case studies of previous and current ISIS facility development students and their work are available by clicking the names below: 

Harry Lane​Anna Herlihy, Matilda Rhodes, Richard Waite, Ranggi Ramadhan, Ralf Z​iesche

Watch the video below to hear from directly from the students themselves:​


ISIS PhD Studentships

  • Newcastle University is advertising for a PhD scholarship on a project titled Technological choice and variability in prehistoric metalworking: a transdisciplinary investigation, funded by the AHRC Northern Bridge Doctoral Training Partnership as a Collaborative Doctoral Award. ​Antonella Scherillo is the ISIS co-supervisor.  More information can be found on the Northern Bridge website. ​
Contact: Jones, Martin Owen (STFC,RAL,ISIS)