Testing a geopolymer coating material on Engin-X: a new milestone in engineering research
27 Feb 2025



A team of researchers from Universiti Malaysia Perlis (UniMAP) has achieved a significant milestone by testing a geopolymer coating material at Engin-X, the specialised engineering beamline at ISIS.


​​Professor Mustafa and the research team


This testing marks a groundbreaking moment as it is the first time geopolymer material has been tested at Engin-X, which has traditionally focused on iron-based and alloy materials. This initiative was made possible through a collaboration between Malaysia's Ministry of Higher Education (KPT), the Department of Higher Education (JPT) and STFC, under the International Science Partnerships Fund (ISPF) program.

The research was led by Professor Mohd Mustafa Al Bakri Abdullah, deputy vice-chancellor of UniMAP, together with Engin-X beamline scientist Dr Tung Lik Lee, with the objective of understanding the characteristics of geopolymer coating materials. These can be used as fire-resistant protection layers for materials such as concrete, ceramics and metals.

Neutron diffraction enables the in-depth analysis of material structures without damaging them. It provided the team with insights into the phase transformation and strain evolution of their geopolymer coating materials in-situ, under various environmental conditions. Their experiment focused on evaluating the durability of geopolymer coatings at high temperatures, their effectiveness in enhancing fire resistance, and their interaction with substrates such as concrete and metal.

Geopolymer materials have been recognised as advanced materials in the construction and engineering industries, as they are made from eco-friendly sources such as clay, fly ash, and slag, which is then activated chemically.

With deeper insights, such as those gained from this testing, these materials have the potential for widespread applications in fire-resistant structural construction, such as buildings and tunnels. They could also be used in the aerospace and automotive industries for thermal protection.

Their successful testing paves the way for further research into geopolymer coating applications, particularly in fire safety and structural durability. The findings from this study will enable researchers to refine material formulations to meet modern industry demands.

Prof Mustafa.jpg“We are very grateful to have successfully completed this test, providing a deeper understanding of the properties of geopolymer materials before applying them in industry," says Professor Mohd Mustafa Al Bakri Abdullah (pictured, right, on Engin-X). “This testing is a significant step in realising Malaysia's National Advanced Materials Technology Roadmap 2021-2030, which identifies geopolymers as a future innovative material."

“I would like to express my gratitude to KPT and STFC for their support, which demonstrates Malaysia's capability to conduct high-level research on an international platform. This testing is not just a scientific achievement but also a testament to Malaysia's progress in advanced materials research, in line with global trends in sustainable technology development," adds Professor Mustafa. 

Contact: Lee, Tung Lik (STFC,RAL,ISIS)