Registration for the meeting is now open through our
registration form. The meeting will offer an opportunty hear about
facility updates and other news of interest to ILL and ISIS users.
There will also be an associated student meeting on Monday 19 April. Registration is now open, and more details can be found on our
student conferences page.
10.00: Welcome (Robert McGreevy, ISIS Director and Mark Johnson, ILL Science Director)
10.05: Plenary: Valeska Ting (Bristol University) – Filling the void: Investigations into extremely
high densities of hydrogen in porous materials using neutron scattering
10.30: Update from ILL (Mark Johnson)
10.50: Plenary: Wuge Briscoe (Bristol University) – Structural insights
from buried bio-nanointerfaces
11.15: Update from ISIS (Robert McGreevy)
11.35: short break
11.45: Update from ESS (Kevin Jones, Acting Director General, European Spallation Source)
12.05: Willis Prize talk
12.30: Close