To be granted access to work in the experimental halls, users will be required to pass the Facility Safety Test. To be granted access to work in one of our laboratories, users will be required to pass the Facility Safety Test and the ISIS Sample Preparation and Chemistry Labs Test.
Please click on the safety induction link below to access the ISIS safety trainign information. You can also click the links on the right hand, under 'User Safety Information Reading List' and 'Sample Preparation and Chemistry Labs Reading List' to jump to a specific training page.
Safety information
Read ISIS safety induction information here.
Facility Safety Test System
The Facility Safety Test System replaces the older ISIS Safety Test. The new system hooks directly into the user office systems so ISIS staff can instantly see when you have passed in order to grant access to the Experimental Hall. In the future we aim to use this information to automate the process further so users can access the facilities and start their experiment as promptly as possible.
ISIS Sample Preparation and Chemistry Labs Test
To be granted access to our laboratories, you will be required to pass a test based on the induction information. Once you have read through the induction information take the ISIS Sample Preparation and Chemistry Labs Test here.