We are pleased to announce that the Neutron and X-Ray Imaging Applications in Life Sciences and Biology Workshop will be held on the 18-19 February 2020 (lunchtime to lunchtime) at Milton Hill
House, Steventon, Oxfordshire, OX13 6AF, UK.
The workshop will
provide a platform for scientists interested in new interdisciplinary
approaches to cutting-edge research in life sciences, palaeontology and
biology, using various methods that include neutron and x-ray imaging based techniques.
The meeting will have invited, contributed science talks and poster session.
include, but are not limited to:
Updates from IMAT (ISIS), I12 and I13 (Diamond) imaging
Plant-soil research
Geoscience/ Palaeontology/ Palaeobotany
Biology/ Forensic Sciences
Student poster session
To register for the meeting, please click the button below. Registration will close on Wednesday 29th January 2020. The workshop is free of charge to attend but places are limited. Your registration will be confirmed by email.