03 Feb 2019



On Monday 8th April there will be a set of workshops before the main conference starts




We are offering delegates the opportunity to arrive a little early on Monday afternoon and take part in practical workshops on science communication and engage​ment. Workshops will last 1.5 hours starting at 2pm. These have limited spaces so please don't book unless you fully intend to go.​

Video training: How do I successfully communicate my key message in a crisis?
Led by Andrea Voit and Anke Gö
rg, FRM II / Technical University of Munich, Germany

Everybody knows that politicians never properly answer questions put to them by journalists. Instead, they try to transmit their key message again, again and again. Is that the right method for science communication too?

This workshop will give insight on communication skills (eg. body language, wording and phrasing) to train you for communicating with your stakeholders, answering critical questions from journalists or for public consultation under friendly fire. You will formulate statements and the key message for your institution plus gain experience in front of the camera. 

The workshop will consist of a theory component and practical exercises with video analysis. 

Max 10 participants.​​

​Storytelling in Science
Led by Felicity Perry, John Innes Centre and The Sainsbury Laboratory
Details to follow

Contact: Fletcher, Sara (STFC,RAL,BID)