On Friday 15th December, ISIS kicked off our 40th anniversary celebrations with a staff update given by our Director, Roger Eccleston, followed by a social gathering of drinks and festive treats at Harwell Campus' visitor centre.
Leading up to the significant milestone of 40 years on 16th December 2024, ISIS is planning a series of events that celebrate four decades of scientific discoveries, technological innovation and productive partnerships, a calendar of which is available here. Amongst these events, Roger introduced our roadshows, which will showcase the world-leading science that has taken place, and is ongoing, at ISIS since that historic moment in December 1984. The event programmes are intended to cover a diverse range of scientific interests and neutron techniques. Further information is available here.
2024 will also see Harwell Open Week from Monday 24th June to Saturday 29th June, a huge opportunity for staff to get involved and share our outstanding facility to the general public and schoolchildren.
Roger announced the winners of several recent competitions including:
ISIS Image Competition - Panel's Choice, to feature on the cover of the 2023 Annual Review
Winners: Steph Richardson and Mohamed Aouane
ISIS Image Competition - People's Choice, voted by staff to feature on the cover of the 40th anniversary calendar for 2024
Winner: Philip King

The Great ISIS Bake Off - Best Looking Bake The Great ISIS Bake Off - Most Creative Bake
Winner: Sarah Youngs Winner: Lilith Cole
The Great ISIS Bake Off - Best Looking Bake
Winner: Philip King
As we approach our 40th anniversary, ISIS is committed to making this milestone even more meaningful by supporting charitable donations through our activities and events in 2024 and our staff were asked to norminate a charity so that our efforts are directed towards causes that resonate with the people who work here.

The social gathering after was a great opportunity to reunite and reminise with colleagues, past and current and watch old videos of the building and early days of ISIS, including a tongue-in-cheek internal video celebrating the Heavy Gang putting together Target Station 2's Christmas Tree as the 'A Team' that they are.