40 Years of Neutrons at ISIS: Celebratory Event Calendar
31 Dec 2024



On 16 Dec 2024, ISIS will mark 40 years since first neutrons. Leading up to this significant milestone, we have organised a series of events that celebrate four decades of scientific discoveries, technological innovation, and productive partnerships.




Dark blue banner with a firework pattern and text reading Celebrating 40 years of ISIS Neutron and Muon Source

​15 December 2023
​​ISIS 40th anniversary staff kick-off event
​Rutherford Appleton Laboratory
​​15 February 2024

Cele​​brating 40 Years of ISIS-Italian Partnerships​
​​Rutherford Appleto​n Laboratory
​16 February 2024
Talking Science - Public Lecture​
​Rutherford Appleton Laboratory​
​27 March 2024
ISIS Science Roadshow: Belfast
​Queen's University Belfast​
​8 - 11 April 2024
Position Sensitive Neutron Detector Conference​
​University of Oxford
​10 - 12 April 2024
UK Neutron & Muon Science and User Meeting​
University of Warwick Conferenc​e Centre​
​​16 - 17 April 2024
Disordered Materials User Group Meeting
​The Cosener's House​, Oxfordshire
​9 - 10 May 2024
Science Roadshow: Cardiff
​Cardiff University
​12 - 13 June 2024

​GB-RADNEXT Workshop​
​​Rutherford Appleto​n Laboratory​
​​25 - 26 June 2024
RAL Open Week: School Days
​​​Rutherford Appleto​n Laboratory
​27 June 2024
Science Roadshow: EdinburghUniversity of Edinburgh​
​29 June 2024
RAL Open Week: Public Day – come and visit ISIS!
​​​​Rutherford Appleto​n Laboratory​
​15 –19 July 2024​
ESG15 – NCM15 - SGT Conference
​Churchill College, Cambridge
​5- 6 September 2024
ISIS ​Muon User Meeting
​The Cosener's House, Oxfordshire​
​10 - 11 September 2024
Science Roadshow: Manchester​
​University of Manchester
​24 September 2024
Science Roads​how: London​
Science Museum, London​
​28 - 19 October 2024
​PCG/CCG/ISIS Winter Crystallography Meeting
​​The Cosener's House, Oxfordshire
​20 November 2024
Royal Society Reception​
​Royal Society, London
​12 December 2024
​​J D Lawson Lecture
​Rutherford Appleton Laboratory
​16 December 2024
40 years of neutrons at ISIS - staff and guests’ event 
​Rutherford Appleto​n Laboratory

A graphic that looks like the number 40 and set out so that it resembles the ISIS accelerator

Contact: Richardson, Stephanie (STFC,RAL,ISIS)